There has been a lot of discussion recently on a plan to improve the hall. There has been dissatisfaction for some years about the building's resources e.g. the kitchen being inadequate, the heating system, the fire prevention resources, and the need for more space for people to sit. The sub-committee met at the beginning of the year to discuss the needs with the architect. Four rough plans were received to be discussed by the full committee and two of the plans recommended redoing the hall with room for around 170 to sit comfortably. The estimate for both plans was around £25,000. It was decided to call a public meeting to ask the opinion of the residents. The executive committee that was formed decided to accept a plan which meant building a new hall almost out in the direction of the of the Motel, locating the stage on the site of the existing hall. Another public meeting was called, and the decision was accepted. But a plan with a more detailed estimate was received from the architect and the new building is likely to cost £35,000, plus around another £3,000 for furniture. If every possible grant could be secured, the local committee would have to find around £4,750 themselves. It was tempting to continue with the work, but the committee was unanimously of the opinion that it was unfair to transfer such a heavy financial burden onto the shoulders of the residents. It was also felt that there was not enough support and enthusiasm among the locals. Nine of the residents came to the three public meetings held, even though notices were sent to every house in the area before the second meeting.

The committee will now have to lower their horizons and go ahead with a less ambitious plan, but no doubt some of the committee or their descendants will at some point in the future have reason to believe that the Talsarnau and Llandecwyn Hall improvements plan was not met in 1978.